. Mo Burkett
- Duties: Car Supervisor
- Hobbies: Grinding and Keepin’ Bunny happy
. Dennis Whitestone
- Duties: Team Advisor
- Hobbies: Tuning, teaching, and watchin over “The Boys”
- Bear Pritchett
- Duties: Car Chief
- Hobbies: Crown, women, and his pups
- Chop Moreland
- Duties: Top- End
- Hobbies: Gettin Bear into trouble and listening to Bear complain about it when Bunny finds out.
- Scott Vants
- Duties: “Clutch Doctor”
- Hobbies: Racing and listening to Bear complain
- Arron Cave
- Duties: Bottom-end
- Hobbies: Women, livin the dream, and listening to Bear complain
- Adem Cave
- Duties: Crew
- Hobbies: Havin fun, workin hard, and listening to Bear complain
- Ernie Travers
- Duties: Crew and Bear’s Babysitter… The “Good Guy”
- Hobbies: Keepin’ an eye on all of us and listening to Bear complain
- Travis Waterman
- Duties: Fuel, Oil, and Tires…and whatever Bear says to do.
- Hobbies: Music, racing, and listening to Bear complain
- Matt Stambaugh aka “Don Garlits”
- Duties: Back-up Driver/Profiler
- Hobbies: Running his speed shop, taking lunch from 10 til 2, and racing
- Robin Stambaugh
- Duties: Whatever Bear says….just kidding…she scares Bear
- Hobbies: Hanging with The Boys, keeping Matt in-line, and going to Canada to see her fiance…aye?
And The Girls too….
- Megan Travers
- Duties: Souvenir and Merchandise Sales
- Hobbies: Helpin Bunny with the fans and listening to Bear complain
- Julia Stambaugh
- Duties: Souvenir and Merchandise Sales
- Hobbies: Helpin Bunny with the fans, putting up with Matt, and listening to Bear complain
Soon to come?
- Reid Travers aka “Ricky Bobby”

- Future Crew