From our Facebook fan group!!!

“RIP Miss Bunny friends for ever!!!”

“My daughter Carly 6 yrs old Easter 2015 Eastside speedway”

“Thank you Megan Reid Travers, Ernie Travers for bringing her into our lives during both my difficult cancer battles.
Her phone calls, kind words, actions, and direction during treatment were invaluable. She inspired me to be strong through so much.
Deepest sympathies to her family,, her whole crew, and all her fans. God bless you. Bunny was an angel to so many. Thank you , Bunny, for the good fingerprints you left our hearts”

“Back in 1991, I ran into Bunny at the Montgomery County Fair while she was on display. I talked with Bunny and Bear for a long time that day and couldn’t believe that someone as successful as Bunny would take that much time with me. I was amazed at how cool she was and what she taught me about racing. Year after year she came back to the fair and we became friends. I would like to personally thank Bunny, Mo and Bear for allowing me to be part of something so very special. I earned their trust and friendship over the years and I cannot thank them all enough for allowing me into their circle. I truly cherished the time that I spent with Bunny and I’m extremely grateful for the people that I met during that time. Everyone that was working with Bunny during the time that I could be around are absolutely amazing people and truly exceptional at what they do. I will greatly miss Bebe and the time that we spent with her. Love you forever Bebe.”
From Marla
“I saw Bunny in PA at a Nationals event. I was always a fan of Cha Cha … That day I became a fan of Bunny’s.”
From Grace
“I am so blessed . I remember when i was racing & our local track would have special events / match races, once in a while there would be a woman driver & we would end up sitting & chatting over the weekend. They with their super hot rods (top alcohol & jet dragsters) & me with my little 160 mph f.e dragster. There were many conversations with Bunny Burkett, Aggie Hendricks, and Amy Faulk to name a few. Totally down to earth & loving speed & enjoying life . yup … i am blessed.”